Review 2x1Gb Ballistix Tracer PC2-6400 - Overclock Tests

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Test Overclock

This type of tests will made by applying two different voltage: 2.25v (to simulate a daily use) and 2.45 v (to simulate a benchmark usage, to analyse the behaviour of the kits with higher voltage). SuperPI 1 M will be used to find the minimal stability and SuperPI 32 M to find a better stability.

We used the best memory muultiplier to find out the best memory performance! The Cpu multiplier is locked to 9x.

The start FSB were set up in the BIOS, while in windows se grew up the frequencies with Clockgen or SetFSB. All the timings were set in the BIOS.

The following tests in the graphic shown are obtained starting from the bios with 266 MHz FSB and memory multiplier at FSB:RAM=1:1


The following tests in the graphic shown are obtained starting from the bios with 266 MHz FSB and memory multiplier at FSB:RAM=2:3


The following tests in the graphic shown are obtained starting from the bios with 266 MHz FSB and memory multiplier at FSB:RAM=2:3


The following tests in the graphic shown are obtained starting from the bios with 333 MHz FSB and memory multiplier at FSB:RAM=2:3.


The following tests in the graphic shown are obtained starting from the bios with 400 MHz FSB and memory multiplier at FSB:RAM=2:3.


This kit has an excellent performance within all the frequencies range we tried on.

These memories can work from DDR2-664 MHz with timings 3-3-2-4 with 2.2v till DDR2-686 Mhz with just 2.45 v. And they can handle a 32M SuperPI with timings 3-3-3-4 till DDR2-840 with just 2.43v in windows.

While with default timings, with 2.25v we gained 87MHz that become 110MHz with only 2.45v! Just awesome!

The apotheosis is reached with timings 5-5-5-15 and 2.43v in window where this kit can close a 1M SuperPI at DDR2-1304 and a 32M SuperPI at DDR2-1260.

We didn’t have anymore benefits in raising the voltage till 2.7v, we only reached the 1330MHz ddr2 frequency, but it was just a 1M superpi.

Don’t use voltage as high as we did in daily use. It will cause the death of the memory kit. Use always a 80x80mm fan on the memories to pull out the heat that they produce.